Category Archives: loving life

The Spark


That one last spark in the fire-pit, is really important. I can put some dry leaves,blow on it and give it some small dry kindling and it will rise again into a fire. Tending it and caring for it.
We have Sparks, I have a Spark, each of us do. I’ll share two different kinds.

The Survival Spark. You endure a traumatic event. Everything has changed with in seconds or minutes. You hold on to the Spark, that tiny Spark deep inside of your heart. Tend to it, care for it. Even if you are in a fetal position for days, crying, depressed, in pain, the Spark will grow. You might think that it won’t or you may not see the results quickly. As long as you stay focused on the mundane, yes, that is right. The regular stuff, like….work, school, writing – journal {journal hard!}, Point A to Point B…when you get home to your cave, hold the Spark, feel it growing. Before you know it! You will have a fire in your lap. You’ll sing to the radio, stop for an ice cream and maybe even write a letter to a friend. Your Spark is magnificent, personal and pure! Cherish it. Keep it forever, let love pour from it, share your Spark Love, never-never give your Spark away.

The Sensual Spark. This is a different Spark that lives between the navel and the hips. It is a Spark that is ignored a lot, taken by many to be evil?, it is passion, a sea of desire, a fire of creativity. Like a super hero, you can call upon your Spark to create a ring of fire around you. The fire dances with lust and lucious flames. Only the brave will try to enter in through the fire ring. When they do, you will caress your Spark and counsel with it, like a fire crystal ball, assessing who has stepped through, calculating their intensions.
Or/And The Sensual Spark is a warm blazing light that dances, all alone, in the moonlight, in the forest or on the granite rocks of the ocean, deep into the desert upon a Mesa filled with passion. Just you and your Sensual Spark. Sharing this Sensual Spark is a very tricky thing. If you share it with all, that come in contact, the respect of the Spark becomes a dim light. The more you caress your Sensual Spark and save it for the ones that truly appreciate it, the Sensual Spark will grow stronger, deeper and fill your life with a healthy desire for the senses. Be mindful, self loving and cherish the ones that have entered the ring of fire, they deserve some of the best things on the planet. Choose wisely. Once the fire of the Spark touches another, it cannot be retracted, it will be burned into both of you. Listen to your wisdom. The Spark may need time to grow into the other one, or you may be afraid of what you are feeling, good feelings, safe feelings, yet, your ring of fire – The Sensual Spark – is there to protect you. Listen to it.

Spark On!

The vision


To live life with a happy heart. Whether I am a ware of Ebola hysteria or not, whether the sun is getting closer to the Earth, whether my daughters roll their eyes at me and still love me no matter what.

My happy life wants to be shared with another happy person, not to babysit, or find some sort of compromise all the time. It would be delightful to wake up with someone, enjoy Yoga together and plan our future together as healers, travel and find amazing things to do. Read to one another, snuggled up next to one another. Have the freedom to create some places to visit and teach, share our dark pitted pasts and how it made us into shinning lights. Teaching people to save themselves, with amazing tools. Like a tag-team, reaching out like strong branches of a tree.

Nothing is perfect, Perfection is imperfection. I get that. But I know there is a warrior, a strong and amazing man that is doing the same thing I am doing. Praying in his own way, sending out vibrations to the universe, listening to his steps on a cool Autumn morning with patience, reaching into the dreams of dreams. Dreaming of going to places and find broken items and resurrect them into beautiful pieces of art.

Enjoy Yoga in the forests, streams, mountains and asphalt.

Delicious food together.

Delicious love together.
